Spiritual Journal

My library of spiritual journals consist of:

  1. Prayer Journal for others or for people that have asked for prayers
  2. Spiritual growth journal, a book I take with me when on a silent retreat
  3. New beginnings journal, something I use if I am starting a new year and have certain goals
  4. The ideas journal, something I use if what I think is a great idea to do or write about.

I absolutely love to write in my journals. This is one of the spiritual practices that is real easy to do. With so much technology at our finger tips its easy to start writing at any time.

When I am writing in my journal, I hear myself having a personal conversation with God. It's so comforting sometimes to just hear the keys on my laptop clicking away, as I watch the words of my conversation flowing across the screen.

One thing that I want to say, is even though I can type the words on my laptop. There is nothing like have a physical journal in my hands. Turning the pages even though they are empty inspires me to writing something on the blank page.

Spiritual Journaling on the Rosary Mysteries

I had to go back into my spiritual journals to a very sacred moment for me, which was when my mother passed away.

The reason I chose to go back to that time is because, I spent a lot of time praying my rosary. I found myself stuck on the joyful and the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. I realized this was important at the time to my spiritual growth and felt it was important to write something about it.

The joyful mystery of the the visitation was significant at the time. Giving yourself and time to someone else is a very unselfish thing to do. I gave a lot of my time to my mother during the year I knew she was transitioning. I journaled that maybe it was part that I couldn't let her go and the other was making up for missed time. God gave me a year to figure it out. I was blessed.

This is why I say choose a special journal for measuring your spiritual growth. How do you do that you ask? 

Ask yourself a question today like.

  • What spiritual book am I reading now?
  • Why did I choose the book? 
  • Were you guided towards it or did someone suggest it?

Once you are finished with the book, ask what stood out?
All these questions are a starting point in your journal. Now it may take a few weeks to read the book. Ask yourself again these questions or new ones and write it in your journal.

Growth changes can be subtle and you may not notice anything at all, but I guarantee you will start to see growth. You may not know how, but you will realize change in yourself.

There is no rule about what you write in your spiritual journal.

Children and older adults can right their most intimate thoughts as children can vent their thoughts as well.

Sample writing of my personal journal

Something I may write in my journals is a book idea.

I have this story about my mother and my relationship. I call it 'the Gift and the Slap'.

Without giving away to much of the story, I grew up with a narcistic mother and how this affected my life as a young girl and young adult.

Writing in your journals is a spiritual exercise that will lead you to more questions and answers in your life towards spiritual growth.