Spiritual Journal

What is Spiritual Journaling

Spiritual journaling involves a deep diving into your soul, to bring out your experiences, insights and growth. 

If you stick with writing down something every day or night you will start to connect with your inner self. For me it's like sitting still and quieting my mind in meditation.

How does Journaling help me

  1. First and foremost, is the Inner Peace I feel as I am typing or writing. It's the grounding I feel of my soul after a rough day of work a place I can tell my woes too without vocal feedback.
  2. The help I see or hear in words of understanding how to navigate my life's challenges. It's rare that I may go back and reread what I wrote but when I do sometimes, I have a moment of clarity that I didn't realize as I was writing.
  3. Another big one for me, when I am writing because I am really feeling upset by the end of my writing, I have an emotional healing.
  4. And a final one is the spiritual growth that occurs over time from constantly going back to this practice of journaling.
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I absolutely love to write in my journals. This is one of the spiritual practices that is real easy to do. With so much technology at our finger tips its easy to start writing at any time.

When I am writing in my journal, I hear myself having a personal conversation with God. It's so comforting sometimes to just hear the keys on my laptop clicking away, as I watch the words of my conversation flowing across the screen.

One thing that I want to say, is even though I can type the words on my laptop. There is nothing like have a physical journal in my hands. Turning the pages even though they are empty inspires me to writing something on the blank page.

Daily Journaling Prompt

Today's Journaling Prompt

What Inspires Your Heart

Try Spiritual Journaling Ideas this may help inspire you to get started on your Spiritual Growth
This one is challenging Repentance Journaling, give it a try.

Spiritual Journaling on the Rosary Mysteries

I had to go back into my spiritual journals to a very sacred moment for me, which was when my mother passed away.

The reason I chose to go back to that time is because, I spent a lot of time praying my rosary. I found myself stuck on the joyful and the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. I realized this was important at the time to my spiritual growth and felt it was important to write something about it.

The joyful mystery of the visitation was significant at the time. Giving yourself and time to someone else is a very unselfish thing to do. I gave a lot of my time to my mother during the year I knew she was transitioning. I journaled that maybe it was part that I couldn't let her go and the other was making up for missed time. God gave me a year to figure it out. I was blessed.

This is why I say choose a special journal for measuring your spiritual growth. How do you do that you ask? 

Ask yourself a question today like.

  • What spiritual book am I reading now?
  • Why did I choose the book? 
  • Were you guided towards it or did someone suggest it?

Once you are finished with the book, ask what stood out?
All these questions are a starting point in your journal. Now it may take a few weeks to read the book. Ask yourself again these questions or new ones and write it in your journal.

Growth changes can be subtle and you may not notice anything at all, but I guarantee you will start to see growth. You may not know how, but you will realize change in yourself.

What you may do to Start

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  • Choose a comfortable place
  • Don't spend too much time on grammar
  • Choose a piece of scripture to help inspire your thoughts or just listen to see what God says
  • If you have a special Prayer or trying to remember a Prayer, write it over and over.
  • Prompt yourself like "What am I grateful for today"
  • And mostly be honest with yourself

Writing in your journals is a spiritual exercise that will lead you to more questions and answers in your life towards spiritual growth.

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My library of spiritual journals consists of:

  1. Prayer Journal for others or for people that have asked for prayers
  2. Spiritual growth journal, a book I take with me when on a silent retreat
  3. New beginnings journal, something I use if I am starting a new year and have certain goals
  4. The ideas journal, something I use if what I think is a great idea to do or write about.

Places to Journal

There are so many options for this:

If you're really inspired by nature, then go to your favorite place outside. Like the Mountains or Woods or even your favorite water area.

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Other Locations can be:

  1. A room in your house
  2. If you live near by a desert - this would be incredibly meditative and conducive to journaling.
  3. Do you have a Monastery nearby to encourage deep thought to write.
  4. Nothing like a peaceful atmosphere of Temples and Churches. Especially if you're in front of Jesus in Adoration.

My favorite places are on Pilgrimage. Sometimes you see something so inspiring you just have to stop and take it in.

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Any of the places I mentioned can help you connect or reconnect with your deep inner thoughts. These things can make your journaling experience even more profound.

Maybe the inspiration is Flowers

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Other points about Spiritual Journaling

What are some of the benefits of Spiritual Journaling?

Life has its challenges and sometimes we have trouble navigating. Writing down your thoughts can help you find a solution or even give you greater clarity.

By doing these acts it can inspire growth in many ways, whether it is spiritual or just plain old wisdom. 

Writing about deeper emotional experiences can start healing the body, mind and soul. I know this may not be easy for some, and it can be hard, but in the end the benefits are well worth it. 

Most importantly don't forget to include God in your practice of journaling. This will help you to reflect deeper in your thoughts and beliefs. And stay in peace let God help you feel that calmness that I have mentioned that comes over me to create. 

You may be surprised...Enjoy!

Starting a Journal 

This I am a professional at, I love getting new journal books and I love starting journals. I have many journals for many different topics. This is an honest statement.

But where do we go from here? First, we need to set aside time and even if you don't have anything on your mind to write, just put the date in the journal. Or simply say hello to Jesus.

See the point is being honest with yourself, just as I am here trying to make this point. Definitely don't worry about grammar, I wish I could say that about this website. I try my best, I'm sure my grammar is not written well for a reader. Instead, I tend to write like I talk.

This is my favorite, prompts. Prompts for me are photos, it reminds me of memories, place I have seen and how I have felt. It is great for writing material.

Like for instant this photo of a door. It intrigues my thoughts. Is it a door into a secret or magical garden? Why is it locked? What does the heart mean. Where does it lead to? And I'm sure you can think of a few more things. Let your imagination go.

Reflect on scripture or a spiritual book you're reading or maybe a paragraph or chapter that resonated with you. I love those light bulb moments.

And also review what you wrote to see your progress. This has always been my downfall of my journal writing. I don't like re-reading what I have written. This should be something that I do to build a website. 

What makes effective journaling, is three things: consistency getting into a habit to write every day. Be patient with yourself, remember writing in a spiritual journal is for your growth and that is a gradual process. And thirdly, be open to thoughts, feelings, joy and even pain during journaling.

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