
Why is Humility Important?

Humility can be a path to inner peace and spiritual growth by teaching us to recognize our limitations and to rely on God's strength. It allows us to see the divine in every circumstance.

I believe that God gives us this gift of humility when we come to the realization that we have limitations and need God in all things.

Without God in the forefront of our minds, we think we are in control and therefore pride is more in the forefront than asking God for help. 

Pride keeps us from having humility, but God is so good he finds ways for us to humiliate ourselves.

If we have courage to reflect deeper on our strengths and weaknesses we can grow exponentially on our spiritual journey.

1. Openness to Learning and Growth - Humility allows us to acknowledge limitations and recognize that there is always more to learn. We realize we don't always have all the answers. By admitting that we don't have all the answers, we become more receptive to new insights and wisdom.

2. Compassion and Empathy - Helps us see the value in our friends, family and neighbors. Compassion and empathy are vital attributes for spiritual development. We are more likely to offer genuine support and kindness to others.

3. Letting Go of Ego (pride) - I said it earlier, pride can get in the way. Ego can lead to pride, arrogance, and a sense of superiority. Humility helps us let go of the ego, allowing us to approach life with a sense of gratitude and reverence. This shift can lead us to a more peaceful existence and free from constant need for validation and recognition.

4. Enhancing Inner Peace - I don't know about you, but having to constantly deal with comparison and competition is exhausting. When we are humble, we are less likely to be affected by external judgements. Humility can lead us to a deeper sense of contentment and tranquility.

5. Strengthening Relationships - Humility improves our relationships by having mutual respect for one another. We are more likely to listen and have empathy. 

6. Aligning with Higher Principles - By practicing humility, we demonstrate our willingness to follow spiritual guidance and live according to our values. Having a sense of purpose enhances our spiritual journey.

7. Encouraging Service - Serving others for the greater good. Church ministries is a good place to start serving. The tasks that are needed in church are not difficult nor time consuming. Most of the time they are looking for Parishers to help once a month. This act of selflessness can bring profound joy and fulfillment to one's life.

Wow, these 7 Why's can be big ASK's. My approach is one at a time, and I find I already have some attributes of each. Some areas need more work than others. The key is being honest with yourself and remembering you're not alone. God will guide us to learn.

Where to Start to Cultivate Humility in Spiritual Practice

sj journal book coffee
sj plain journal
sj outside sitting writing
sj bunch of journals
sj book with flowers

Spend time reflecting on your actions and motivations. 

Consider how you can approach a situation either with others or a work issue with more humility

Try to shift your focus from yourself.

Express gratitude for others in your life and around you. It could be a passing smile at another.

Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and behaviors. 

Sitting in quiet meditation will quiet the mind of daily thoughts and bring you to present awareness. 

Engaging in volunteer work or other acts of service. Help homeless shelters or as simple as your neighbor.

Serving others can remind you of the interconnectedness of all people and the importance of humility.

This is my favorite suggestions, seek guidance through prayer. Spiritual books on the saints who have ventured this avenue.

Learning through others can provide valuable insights and support