
Understanding Purity

Purity is often associated with moral cleanliness and holiness, but its implication extends far beyond mere physical chastity. But let's try to make it simpler for a beginner to understand. 

Purity refers to a state of being, free from sin and moral corruption. It would involve maintaining a clean heart and mind, free from impure thoughts, desires and actions. Basically, striving for holiness.

Having or working at a close relationship with God. The closer I began to get to God more impurities fell away. One might say if they were drinkers or smokers they suddenly quit without issue.

By striving for Purity, we align ourselves with God's nature and opens our hearts to His presence. This closeness to God brings peace, joy and fulfillment.

Having Purity, it helps us to maintain a moral integrity. That would mean being honest, upright and sincere in our actions and intentions.  Having integrity is crucial for building trust and respect in our relationships with others and with God.


By avoiding sinful behaviors and thoughts, we create space for God's grace to work in our lives. This growth helps us to develop virtues such as humility, patience, and love, which are essential for our spiritual journey.

By sitting in meditation and quieting ourselves in front of God. Offering up our minds, heart, body and soul for God to work in us, is the start to this work. 

One more important point is living a pure life is a powerful witness to others. It a demonstration of our faith and understanding. It's a demonstration of God's love and grace. By these demonstrations we prove there is a God and can inspire others to seek a closer relationship with God and even to strive for holiness in their own lives.

Guarding your Heart and Mind

One of the primary ways to practice purity is by guarding our hearts and minds.  This involves being mindful of what we watch, read and listen to. This is a big problem I believe we have all fell short in. Cutting the cable, listening less to worldly news, getting off social media is very addictive. And some have been able to do less or none of it, and have found they are far better off without it, in many ways. We are able to sleep better, are overall health improves we are happier.

It's important to practice self-control. This involves discipline in our actions and resisting temptations that lead to sin. Oh, I can hear Satan now, he hates these words. He doesn't want us to succeed in any good, because he loses. We could develop strength to make better choices that align with our values and beliefs.

Challenges and Rewards

sj outside sitting writing


Today we deal with a constant bombardment of messages that promote impurity. Overcoming these cultural influences requires a strong commitment to our faith and values. It involves being able to discern the media we consume and the company we keep.


The inner peace we have of living a life free from moral corruption. We can experience a sense of calm and contentment. The peace is a sign of God's presence in our lives and a reward of our commitment to Purity.

We all have personal weaknesses and struggles that can make it difficult to maintain purity. Seeking God's help is essential for us to overcome these weaknesses and struggles to grow in purity.

Purity strengthens our relationships with others. By being honest and respectful, we can build trust and deepen our connections with others. We will experience healthier fulfilling relationships.

Peer pressure can be a significant challenge, especially for our children. Stand firm in our beliefs and not be swayed by opinions of others. Build better support systems to help resist and stay true to our beliefs.

Ultimately, purity leads to spiritual fulfillment, by aligning our lives with God's will and striving for holiness. We can experience God's love and grace what better reward to have.