Spiritual Meditation

Welcome to our journey of spiritual meditation, a sacred practice that invites you to deepen your connection with God and cultivate inner peace. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of our spiritual well-being.

This webpage serves as a gentle reminder of the importance of taking time to reflect, pray, and meditate. Through spiritual meditation, you can enhance your faith, find clarity in your thoughts, and experience the profound love of Christ.

Join me as we explore various techniques and resources that can help you embrace this transformative practice, allowing you to grow closer to your Creator and nourish your soul.

Here are just a few of the topics that I would like to visit with you.
Mindfulness and Presence
Gratitude Meditation
Contemplative Meditation
Connecting with Nature
Forgiveness Meditation

Preparation for Spiritual Meditation

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The Rosary is a beautiful spiritual meditation prayer that guides you through the pivotal events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. Each set of Mysteries invites you to reflect deeply and spiritually on their journey.

The Joyful Mysteries focus on the early life of Jesus, including His conception, birth, and childhood, bringing you closer to the joys and wonders of these foundational moments.

The Sorrowful Mysteries recount the Passion and death of Jesus, providing a path to meditate on His immense suffering and sacrifice, helping you to embrace the depths of His love and compassion.

The Glorious Mysteries celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the triumphs of Heaven, inviting you to rejoice in the eternal glory and the fulfillment of God's promise.

The Luminous Mysteries cover the public ministry of Jesus, offering reflections on significant moments of His teachings, miracles, and proclamations, illuminating His mission and message to the world.

By engaging with the Rosary, you embark on a contemplative journey through these sacred events, allowing their spiritual significance to inspire and transform your faith.

My Sacred Space


Discover a tranquil space where you can meditate undisturbed. I have a designated spot in my home where I include incense, candles, and images or statues of cherished saints. Occasionally, I wear headphones to drown out distractions like my neighbor's lawn mower or their backyard gatherings.

As I pray each decade, it allows me to concentrate on the particular event of the mystery that I am contemplating.

Regular practice will enhance your meditation and comprehension of the mysteries, leading to a personal revelation of these truths in your own life.

Prayer Wall

In my room, I have a cherished prayer corner that holds profound meaning for me. The wall is adorned with photos of Jesus, Mary, and my parents, each image a symbol of love, faith, and family. This sacred space is filled with items that carry deep personal significance. At times, I take a moment to jot down my intentions or prayers and attach them to this wall, creating a tangible connection to my spiritual journey. This spot is my sanctuary, a place where I find solace, reflection, and divine connection.

A Path to Divine Connection

WC prayer meditating

Let discover together the transformative power of spiritual meditation. As I immerse myself in this sacred practice, I can deepen my connection with God and find inner peace. I going to try to outline a simple approach to spiritual meditation, combining traditional steps with contemporary insights for a fulfilling experience.

The Preparation consists of three key acts:

An Act of Faith, of the Presence of God, and of Adoration
An Act of Humility and of Sorrow for our Sins
A Petition for Light

Three Steps for Spiritual Meditation

The Preparation

An Act of Faith
"My God, I believe Thee present within me; I adore Thee with my whole soul."

To acknowledge God's presence and offer wholehearted adoration.

An Act of Humility
and Sorrow for our Sins

"Lord, I should now be in hell in punishment of the offences I have offered to Thee. I am sorry for them from the bottom of my heart; have mercy on me."

To express genuine sorrow and humility for sins committed.

A Petition of Light

"Eternal Father, for the sake of Jesus and Mary, give me light in this meditation, that I may draw fruit from it."

To ask for divine guidance and enlightenment during meditation.

The Meditation

When entering into spiritual meditation, it’s important to leave behind all extraneous thoughts. As St. Bernard said, "O my thoughts! wait here;" after prayer, we shall speak on other matters. 

Here are some tips to help maintain focus during meditation:

Calmly Banish Distractions: Should distracting thoughts enter, calmly redirect your attention back to God without force or frustration.

Recognize the Devil’s Tactics: Remember, distractions are often attempts to deter you from meditation. Stay committed, even in the face of distractions.

Consistent Practice: Even if your meditation is filled with distractions, the effort to continually refocus is itself a valuable spiritual exercise.

The Conclusion

Conclude your meditation with a moment of gratitude and reflection. Here’s how:


 Offer a prayer of thanks to God for the time spent in His presence.


 Make a resolution to carry the insights and peace from your meditation into your daily life.


 Ask for God's blessing to uphold your spiritual practices and strengthen your faith.

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Additional Steps:

Invoke the Blessed Virgin - Say a Hail Mary to seek her intercession.
Ask for Assistance - Pray to St. Joseph, your guardian angel, and your holy patron for their support.

Inspirational Thinking

Let's talk about Saint Therese of Lisieux and how she inspires me.

Therese of Lisieux lived to age 24, but she wanted to immediately find a quick way to Jesus. Like a short cut to Heaven.

Therese was thinking just like a child with simplicity of life. I know when I was a child I wasn't thinking or worrying about any worldly things that I may now. My mind was focused on the sun shining and how quick I could go outside and play.

My dad told me one day, holding his hands in the air, and describing the first section was his family. Then moving his hand down to another level, he explained his own current family. At which he tried to do better and tweak a few things different than how his parents did it. And knowing he would pass soon, his advice to me was "I want you to do the same. Take what you liked and tweak it for you and your family". Then he proceeded to tell me how he was just a simple guy navigating this life and doing the best he could.

Searching for God through Spiritual Meditation

Prayer Med

Take some time, sit quietly, feel the experience of the presence. Many times, spiritual retreats especially silent ones are so rewarding to our mind, body and soul.

I once read that searching for God is unnecessary because He is closer to us than our own hands and feet. Spiritual meditation is a means to commune with God. "Be still and know that I am God" signifies the recognition of God within our consciousness. You might believe that God is distant, residing in the heavens, or that He is to be found. For years, I shared this belief, always searching, reading, and looking. It wasn't until I stopped searching and simply believed in God's existence that I had my first divine encounter.

There were indescribable events that I cannot express to you. However, I am as certain of experiencing God as I am of knowing the back of my hand. It was in the quietude that I found help, but it's also important to acknowledge that we cannot compel God to act; He chooses us.

By familiarizing ourselves with God, we discover the key to a harmonious life.

These insights are from Joel S. Goldsmith's book "The Art of Meditation: The Practice." Another one of his works, "Practicing the Presence," might also pique your interest.

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