
Moral Virtue Obedience

The virtue of obedience holds a significant role in spiritual growth offering a pathway to deeper understanding and connection with the divine. 

Here is the definition - Obedience is the moral virtue that inclines the will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command.

Through obedience we demonstrate our trust in God. Sometimes it is very difficult to take commands from someone in a higher position than you. But this is a good place to practice obedience and pray and ask God to help you. 


By submitting to God's will, we allow Him to transform us. It helps us become more Christ-like in our thoughts, words and actions.

Obedience requires humility. That we do not have all the answers and that we need guidance. Humility is crucial as it opens our hearts to receive God's grace and wisdom.

Obedience in Our Daily Life

Here are a few

  • Listening to God's Word
  • Prayer and Discernment
  • Following Church Teachings
  • Obeying Spiritual Leaders

To sum all these up, one of the primary ways to practice obedience involves reading and meditation on the scriptures. Through prayer, we seek guidance and strength to obey. Remember it is in the quiet moments that we can hear God's voice and understand His plans for us. Attending Mass and participating in the Sacraments is crucial for our well being. And lastly remember that the priest and pastors are doing their best and are entrusted to guide the faithful. 

Remember authority comes from God, and by obeying them, we are obeying God.

Challenges and Rewards

sj outside sitting writing


I know what my challenges have been in obeying, especially being radical in many ways. But through the Grace of God and a snarly boss I learned through many tears and crying out to God.


By aligning my will with God's will, I experienced a great peace, it is a sign still presently with me. God is good, but he does want you to obey other, otherwise you won't obey or trust in God.

There are instances where authority is and can be misused. This is where discernment is very important that our obedience is directed towards rightful authority. When authority contradicts God's will, it is our duty to stand for the truth.

God rewards obedience with His blessings. You may not see it as a material blessing, but often you may feel an increase in faith, hope and love. Obedience opens the door to God's grace and favor.

Personal struggles can be challenging due to our weaknesses. It will require constant effort and reliance on God's grace. But we can overcome these challenges by acknowledging our weaknesses and seek God's help.

Jesus promised that those who obey His commandments will have eternal life. What better reward can we ask for?