About Angela: helping you to love the Rosary

My name is Angela, these are my personal stories on this website.

You will learn about family and friends and how I am still 
growing and discovering the power of the Rosary.

Little bit about me, I love creating.

I love being nudged throughout the day to pray.

I love waking up early to meditate with God.

I love praying my Rosary over and over on long car trips.

On another note, I was trying to build a website about something that would help supplement retirement. No matter which way I turned it circled back about the Rosary.

I hope you enjoy my journey and find something useful for yourself on the way.

Come back and visit me again and again, I know I will be adding much more.

Mary has her plans for me.

Again my name is Angela just being a somebody and trying to be a nobody.

I don't profess to be a professional in anything, but I do know what I have lived and experienced.

The name Angela means 'Messenger of  God'

My mother named me Angela, friends and family call me Angel, Angie and Ang.

What does your name mean?
We'll get to that later on.

I feel the bottom line reason I wanted to do this website was to show my Love for the Power of the Rosary.

Mary is awesome in her own way, she is always pointing us to Jesus.

I can't do anything without the power of prayer.

Mostly Mary can.

If I can make this website a place to grow and share together as a community, I would be happy.

I promise I will make a place for you.

COME WALK WITH ME down Memory Lane

I have come along way since this time

I was born and raised Catholic but to be perfectly honest with you, it was my religion passed down to me.

I believe in God but didn't know HOW or WHERE I could find Him.

For many years of my life I was lost always searching.

I don't even think I knew what I was missing.

I thought I actually was living life and this is all life had.

Bumps and bruises, some happy moments and lots of confusion, aggravation, unhappiness, plain old emptiness.

HOW ABOUT YOU? Were you just as confused or lost? Maybe you still are.

These are the years that I look back on now.

And wonder what life would have been like if I was AWARE.