Sorrowful Mysteries
of the Rosary

The Sorrowful Mysteries for me were difficult to contemplate and meditate on.
The passing of my parents was hard being the youngest in the family.
During this time, I spent many hours praying the Rosary and meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries.
I could feel the heavy weight of sorrow being lifted and redirected and manageable. Jesus was holding my hand and helping me realize that my pain could be handed over to Him to carry. These mysteries have a lot to offer us and lead us to grow.

Jesus at the rock praying, Jesus tied to the pillar, Jesus being mocked, Jesus carries his cross and Jesus hanging on that cross. How could we hate so much? I can look back at my crosses and remember Jesus saying, 'Remember they hated me first' 

There is nothing to cry for or worry about, the sorrowful mysteries teach us so. Sit quietly and very still and just imagine being there. What would you do now if this was now? Spending time just with the learn the Mysteries can be life changing. Focus your time on the fruits and see how they relate to you personally.

Our Lady, the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary is Our Mother and will help us, she will intercede for us.
She is Our Mother...

Sorrowful Mysteries Events

The sorrowful mysteries descriptions are used from the little scriptural book below. The scripture used in this book depicts Mary and Jesus's life. Meditate and contemplate the sorrowful mysteries slowly. I'm sure you will find your own personal story that relates these sorrowful events and that is the mystery. The book continues the scriptural story for each decade of the Rosary.

(Permission was given by the author for use, below it is listed with the book)

The Agony in the Garden
Jesus came with them to Gethsemane and sadness came over him, and great distress. Then he said, 'My soul is sorrowful to the point of death'. Wait here and keep awake with me. Then he withdrew from them and knelt down and prayed...

The Scourging at the Pillar
They had Jesus bound and handed him over to Pilate. Pilate questioned him, 'Are you the King of the Jews?' Jesus replied, 'Mine is not a kingdom of this world; but yes, I am a king.' 'I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.'...

The Crowning with Thorns
The soldiers led him away to the Praetorium. Then they stripped him and dress him up in purple. And having twisted some thorns into a crown they put this on his head and placed a reed in his right hand. To make fun of him they knelt to him saying, 'Hail, king of the Jews!'...

The Carrying of the Cross
'If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself.' 'And take up his cross every day and follow me.' And he carried his own cross as they led him out to crucify him....

The Crucifixion
When they reached the place called 'The Skull, they crucified him. Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.' One of the criminals crucified with him said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.'...

Sorrowful Mysteries Fruit

Fervor in Prayer
The Agony in the Garden

The Scourging
at the Pillar

The Crowning with Thorns

The Carrying of the Cross

The Crucifixion

Deepen our understanding with the Sorrowful Mysteries

Writing brings us to deeper understandings. This website for me is an expression of creativity from my soul. Each picture I chose to express my words, the personal stories I share throughout. All a pathway to growing in my faith. 

What do you have to say? Or maybe, what is God whispering to you?

Virtues of the Sorrowful Mysteries

Fervor in Prayer

Jesus went to the mountain top to pray.
Where is your place to pray alone? Do you have a special place where there are no distractions?

We must Love it and to Love doing it...


If you wish to follow Christ, you must renounce yourself.
Give up everything!
Your Will, Your Passion, etc.


I think I lack in courage. This is one that I have been dealing with more now than ever.

I recently lost my job and even though jobs are in front of me it takes courage to take that first step and apply. Now is it courage, for me yes. 


There are tough times we face, and you can't turn back, because there isn't a place to turn back to, so you go forward. I know sometimes it feels better to just stay still, don't go anywhere. 

These are the time I find myself calling out to God to help me. Help me with wisdom or strength. Sometimes I'm just shoveling snow and I am cold, wet and tired and just can't lift another shovel full. I stop and ask, please God a little bit more.


I want to share what I did to start to work with forgiveness.
On a piece of paper, I wrote down names of people that crossed me, made it difficult in some way, or said words that didn't sit right with me. I also included most importantly what I did or said to another that came to mind.

And the one by one I either wrote why I needed to forgive them, or I brought them to mind in prayer and ask God to help me.

Taking the real Scriptural Journey

Christianica (America)
1807 Prairie Street
P.O. Box 685
Glenview, IL 60025

Scriptural Rosary Book
is one of my favorites. Using this book to learn to pray the Rosary was so helpful learning the story of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It helped me memorize the mysteries fast because of the short story it told. It also made me feel as if I was right there alongside each of them.

Susan Tassone
Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division
Huntington, Indiana 46750

Holy Souls in Purgatory
this book came to much later as I understood using the Rosary to pray for people. It brought me comfort to know that my prayers are helping Souls shorten their time in Purgatory and move on to heaven quicker.