Spiritual Exercises

  • What is meant by spiritual exercises?
  • Why is it needed or necessary in daily life?

Why should we do a routine everyday for spiritual health and well being? Well why not? Some of us get up and go to the gym to work out for our physical health. It seems to be important that we make our bodies look and feel healthier. Maybe to make a certain outfit look even better on our new healthy bodies. Or maybe it something else.

But the question is; Why not work out for our Spiritual health too? How do you even begin a workout for spiritual health? It's pretty simply and the benefits go a long way, not just for the look of your body, but for your heart health, mind and soul too.

By reading a spiritual book, some scripture everyday, or even meditating or contemplating Jesus, Mary or even a saint all is beneficial towards your well being as a whole. 

I agree that any kind of exercises will take a commitment to do. If I had a choice between the two physical or mental, I rather being doing mental exercises. I listed a few of my exercises that I do. Some I do everyday and some when I can and some I admit I do fall behind on. No matter what though, I resort to a choice I make everyday to do something towards my spiritual growth.

Spiritual Exercises to do list

Working a full time job doesn't give me much time to do what I would like to do, but I try hard to at least meet God halfway.

  • everyday morning and evening I do meditate with God
  • I do pray rosaries as much as I can, in the car or wherever I can
  • journaling a prayer request or just writing my concerns for the day or event
  • I just started a method at fasting by being aware if I am actually hungry or just want to eat
  • going on retreat once or twice a year
  • spend lots of time reading scripture, spiritual books etc.
  • attend Mass every Sunday and try to go to Adoration as I can
  • Love to visit shrines and holy place if I can

I try to do at least one or as many exercises as I can a day. I really enjoy the effects it has on my heart, decisions, job and many life changing issues.

Each one of these spiritual exercises is a commitment regardless of what is going on around us.

These are a few of my favorite topics

There are many different spiritual exercises you can do. Some of my favorite are journaling a prayer or maybe writing a story, another is sitting on my bed just contemplating something I read or heard and another is simply getting on my knees and asking God to help make things clearer for me.

Click on the pictures below for more in-depth conversation
