
Mortification - Sacrifice

Mortification is closely related to the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. It requires a voluntary abstinence from pleasures or comforts. What does that mean to us? It's important not to overindulge in something that gives us pleasure. St. Paul talks about putting to death things of the flesh and living by the spirit.  

Mortification can take many forms, internally and externally. The first most people think about is Friday's during lent. Giving up eating meat during those weeks. Some people may give up something they do and like on a daily basis, like coffee, chocolate, smoking, etc. Anything we take in or consume would be internal fasting.

Anything we say or act on or out from would be external. Fasting because we are repenting because of something we did. Fasting before prayer or church to receive Holy Communion is important. 

Anytime we do anything that is inconvenient for us but of importance to another is practicing mortification.

We can experience a profound deeper understanding and relationship with God by reflecting on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. 

Finding inspiration and strength to embrace a mortification challenge is rewarding to our spiritual discipline. It is hard to participate or contemplate the passion of Christ, but the rewards of it purify our souls and to grow in holiness is worth the time trying.

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The Scourging At The Pillar

 Jesus is brutally whipped by Roman soldiers. This scene is so hard for me to write about. As many stood by and watched, how many standby and watch today someone being beaten or abused? Even bullying is not welcoming to the receiver, and they most likely feel trapped. I experienced adult bullying in my job, and my co-workers stood idly by doing nothing in fear of their own jobs. Adults, can you imagine this? I was told that if only I would not instigate the boss they would stop. 

This is no comparison to our Lord being whipped, with His flesh being torn. No not at all. But the Lord was standing next to me through this bullying time, strengthening me every day. Without Him I fully understood how easy it would have been to end it all. 

The Sorrowful Mysteries and all the mysteries are a fabric of our daily life, with an added solution, God.

A little about Fasting

Spiritual Focus

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Physical Discomforts

When deciding if you're going to fast, it's important to watch your health needs first.

  • You may want to start with a partial fast, limiting the amount of food during any mealtime breakfast, lunch or dinner to intake.
  • If you are brave and have the courage to skip a meal.
  • A complete fast can involve, no food or drink except water for a specified time.

Some of the downsides to fasting, if you have never tried it before is:

  • Light headedness from not eating
  • Hunger pangs and feeling weak can be difficult to endure.
  • Social gatherings can be difficult if you are practicing fasting

Again, it is important to check with your doctor first. Health is more important.

Try not to be showy about fasting, others shouldn't even know that you are practicing. It's not about complaining how hungry you are and what you're doing. It's like charity, you give and no one else needs to know about it.

Fasting can be very rewarding to our spiritual development and recognition of other virtues that may come from contemplating on the Sorrowful Mysteries. Set time aside to read and pray or just meditate on The Agony, The Scourging, The Crowning, The Carrying and the Crucifixion. And if you want to deepen your faith and practices more, walk in person or virtually the Way of the Cross or Stations of the Cross. One of my favorite Stations of the Cross was in Garabandal, Spain. The peacefulness, stillness and holiness I felt on the mountain was profound. And to do the stations involved climbing and navigating rocks on the mountain. The action of the challenge always takes me out of my comfort zones and God uses those moments to deepen me spiritual in many ways.

Don't forget as you practice fasting a way of mortification, write in your journals so you can measure where you have come from and where you are at.

Challenges and Rewards of Mortification

sj outside sitting writing


I know from my own experience that physical aspects of mortification can be very difficult to endure.


Remember God is with you and will grant you the grace needed to overcome.

Practice mortification monthly, weekly or even daily takes a strong willpower to be disciplined.

God is so rewarding when we apply ourselves. We try to purify our souls, but God does the work. We get to grow spiritual and a closeness to God.

Sometimes family members that are not involved in faith or religious beliefs, may not support you in the practice of mortification. 

When you practice a form of mortification, internally or externally and individual can learn patience, humility, self-control and even such as my case of bullying, I learned obedience.