
Have you suddenly realized your changes from who you were to who you are now? Do you ask yourself how did I get here? Is it because of maturity, age or spiritual work? So many questions could be asked about transfiguration. 

Transfiguration baby steps

This title just made me think about how we transform in life stages. A baby that will transform from crawling to walking. Cooing to talking and so on. 

Every day we transform as we age. The question is how many of us actually notice these changes every day? Not over time and suddenly it's a big surprise that something about yourself has changed.

Every so often I experience a revelation about myself, that something significant that I was working on changed or is gone. No more to be thought about, dealt with or worried about. And I'm not talking about ignorance of the issue, like ignoring it and only to pop up when I least expect it, to deal with it all over again from the beginning.  

No something that I asked God to help me with, to forgive someone, to change an attitude within myself or something I am worrying about. 

Most of us think the butterfly is a good example of transfiguration. Nature's creatures going from something not to pleasant to very vibrant and pretty.

Transfiguration - a Purification of the Soul

ASCENT of MOUNT CARMEL is a good book to help you understand how we have to let go of our desires of worldly things. Let go of things that are not of GOD. Saint John of the Cross explains it in detail is these three books.

Spiritual Transfiguration

Seeing myself one way and becoming another.

The death of my parent's probably was part of a transfiguration in me, but something else happened that is unexplainable.

I received a blessing from God that took away my pain, my heartaches that I carried from childhood. I still can remember the incidents, but I don't feel the emotion in my heart. This is the best I can do explaining it with words.

I have siblings and they speak about the funny or the hard times we had growing up, and they express hurt and anger, I can hear and see this but I myself do not feel these emotions anymore.


We wait for the train, bus, and car. We wait for our guests and even the occasional large wave. I find myself waiting as I sit in the quiet of my mind to hear God's small, sweet voice. 

We busy ourselves every day, every waking minute with something. Our phones, computers, games and work and non-work essentials while we all do the one thing together. WAIT...

Awaiting the changes

Once you have removed the desires of worldly things, Saint John of the Cross calls it the Dark Night of the Soul. I find I am waiting for the next... When this transition happens for me, I will fill you in, but at this point I am in waiting and a beholder of God's movements.