Pilgrimage Adventure

Mary Statue 04

I want to start out with an explanation as to why this pilgrimage is unique of all.

I'll try to make a long story short. The short version is this trip that my friend took was a divine changing moment in my life. 

You ask how? Well, the Blessed Mother for one used technology in a way that was not possible. We were able to communicate via text only over several days before it ended. And it ended because I believe I questioned it. It's really important to believe and trust in the unseen.

It's very difficult to put into words a divine moment that changes someone. The technology was just the beginning. I was suffering with so much pain from a food allergy that within two weeks, the pains started to subside. I had a strong desire of hope to make changes in my diet that things started to get better.

I also felt that maybe one day I would visit this place on my own pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  The picture below is the trip my friend took the first time. 

med 22
med 14
med 21
Sorrowful Agony in the garden

Full Story of Our Lady Using Technology

Packed and ready, she leaves with her iPhone. Ready to go and no international calling plan in place. She leaves anyway. Last words all are well. In the meantime, I am home with the iPad, and I have the app to follow her flight. Lufthansa flight from Newark, NJ to Germany. Everything after that went dark.

Tuesday, I receive a text from my friend. I am extremely surprised. How is this possible? Every six hours, text to, text back and as techy as I am I can't figure it out. I even went as far to call Apple to find out if there was a tower over there. The nice man on the phone of course said, "No sorry ma'am there are no towers".

The Blessed Mother is making sure I am receiving impossible text messages. But in reality, she is planting her seed in me. My last message to my friend was how is this working, is there internet? Six hours later, "no" and "no bars either". Bars on the iPhone. (Not drinking bars)

After all that, I sat on my couch and realized that we were having a Divine Moment. The Blessed Mother knew I was worried and changed everything in one moment for me. And for the rest of my life now. These are unexplainable conversations, and yet exciting because for me it is contact with the unknown.

Mary began to guide my life forward from here. She had my attention now.

St James Church
med 5
med 23
med 13
med 20

Second Miracle the Gifted Rosary

Medjugorje Family Rosary

A really good friend of mine goes on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. While my friend was on this trip, she felt nudged to buy me a Rosary. She said she was feeling extremely unsure to buy me something I may not use. At this point of my life, I am making missionary rosaries, but I am not praying rosary. The truth is I wasn't even attending church and practicing my religion.

She ended up having a special rosary made for me, choosing a birthstone bead for each decade that represent my siblings and parents birth month. As I reflect on this story, I am so grateful she bought me the Rosary from Medjugorje. 

So many people make this trip for many reasons, personal and some are called to come. My friend didn't have enough money to go on this trip, but by the grace of God and Mother Mary's way she ends up winning a raffle that provided the balance of money that she fell short. So many events fell in place as if it were orchestrated. The Blessed Mother gentle guidance. 

The picture above is my special Rosary from Medjugorje. Absolutely beautiful...

Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill

Third Unexplainable Phenomenon

The first night I received this gifted rosary from Medjugorje. I had placed it on my nightstand and went to sleep. Let me just say before I tell you about my dream, my grandmother only spoke Italian. When I was a little girl every time, I visited with grandma I simply kissed her saying hello in English. 

Our visits were limited in understanding one another and my grandma passed away when I was very young.  However, since receiving this rosary Grandma visits me for the very first time in my dreams.

She clearly is telling me to pray in tens. She is showing me her hands with her fingers up. I am extremely surprised that I have even seen her after so many years. Excited I tell my friend about the dream. She explains to that my grandma is telling me to pray the rosary and the tens mean each decade of the rosary.

How awesome is that! I know it may not seem exciting to you, for me at this point I am so lifted up. Now I have to learn how to pray and use this beautiful gift that I did not realize is so powerful.

Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Apparition Hill
Medjugorje Linda Cross Mountain