Cross Mountain

My Personal Journey of Cross Mountain


View from the top of Cross Mountain
- Mt. Krizevac

For me this climb was a personal struggle, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It was 5:30 am Thursday morning a cool comfortable September morning. We all gathered together to take a group picture.  It was still dark, but we had flashlights and an eagerness to get started on our individual journey to climb Mt Krizevac.

It probable was better that it was still dark outside, and we were using the flashlights only to see our footing directly in front of us. As I continued to struggle over what I call boulders and rocks in front of me, I thought to myself this is ridiculous. What did I get myself into? As morning light starting to light up the mountain, I was already starting the climb to the third station of the cross and had already made up my mind that I would continue this journey.

Phil, (the guy in the red shirt in the picture below) was reading the meditation at each station, followed by our response of the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. It was a very humbling experience for me. Under normal conditions, I believe I would have not even attempted a mountain climb like this. Only by the Grace of God I was able to keep moving.

The climb up for me was very challenging physically. I had about 16 oz's of water, a nutritional bar and was very happy that it was a cloudy day. God's graces of not having the sun beating down on me as well. Thank you...God Is Good. Others in my group I'm sure had their own challenges several times throughout the climb we checked in on one another for support.

Our group was on the mountain a total of four hours, I believe two hours up and at least two hours down. We didn't stay long at the top maybe fifteen twenty minutes tops. I know for me when I decided to sit for a few minutes to catch my breath and really take a look out at the view I was worried my group would leave. So, I said a quick pray for my friends, family and others of their intentions and my own and got up to join the group at the back side of the Cross. They were taking pictures of each other when I notice someone in our group was going to start the journey down the mountain alone. I joined her so at least it would be two of us descending the mountain. 

The journey down was just as difficult on my knees and of course the terrain was steep in areas. Someone said the back side of the mountain was easier than the way I went up. Not so sure for the first time. Maybe it was my exhaustion getting to me. I descended the mountain a good way with the person I left with. Finally, I heard the group coming but I never saw them, only two passed me on the path, yelling I can smell the coffee.

At this point I was alone because the person I left with decided to rest a bit. I believe the group caught up with her, the funny thing is this became my God moment. With exhaustion coming over me and being alone on the mountain I cried out to Jesus with so much emotion of His Journey and how sorry I was. This is when I smelled fire in the woods but then disappeared. I passed two women on the trail that where local gypsies asking for help. I didn't have anything on me to give them and passed with a smile. I eventually came to the end of the path and to my right an opening that led me out at Station One. From there now it was a struggle to get to flat ground and I was so thankful it was over.

I wish I wasn't so exhausted on the climb down to get pictures of my surroundings. I know God was with me every step of the way. 


God was well aware of Me and My Humanness, well before I was even aware of Him

Humanness getting in the way


All right I should have been much quicker to realize that God had this and that He was providing the Gift of Grace for me to even be on this mountain. But no, because I was so busy being in my own way and therefore the struggle was very difficult. Until the Third Station of the Cross, a group member was reading Jesus' journey and somehow my ears opened up and heard the words and realized this is not about me. I need to focus on Jesus and when I said the Our Father, The Glory Be and the Hail Mary, my footing got much easier, and I moved to the next station with Grace.


Later on, when we gathered all for dinner, I asked the women that has passed me where she went? She told me that she came out at Station II and the rest of the group which I didn't hear anymore behind me, came out at Station III. There was two interesting points about this, one was the smell of fire that no one else smelled and two the different stations and the significance of the stations to each of us. For me station one represented "Resignation to Trials". Of course, I wasn't doing any of that and I know I need to work on this. The other two station did not have a significance to me, but it did to the others.



I use the word "ridiculous" so much when I speak, that my friend laughs when she hears it. The other day we were watching a movie where this guy's mother had brain surgery.  While she was still in recovery the nurse was watching a nearby television about a reporter that was telling a story of the mother's son. When suddenly the nurse blurted out of her mouth was the word "ridiculous". We both at the same time looked at each other and laughed.

As I was struggling over the rocks on this mountain, silently I would say to myself how ridiculous this was. I would question myself why I was doing this climb and how dangerous it was. How out of shape I was to even attempt this. 

How many times in our lives are we faced with a challenge? And it feels like rocks and boulders in our way, making it just ridiculous.