The Small Village of
Garabandal Spain


Welcome All!
This place on earth is a God given place of peace, serenity and love. 

There is much to tell of San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain. The miraculous story of the four children and the messages given by Our Lady.

To start San Sebastian de Garabandal is a small village in the foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain. Under 400 residents nestled in the base of the mountain live in stone-built dwellings. Even though this village was considered the poorest in the region, it is the most religious.

One woman each evening would walk through the streets ringing a bell to remind the residents to pray for the dead. Now a church bell rings, summoning all to the recitation of the Rosary.

Please enjoy the photography of this beautiful area.

The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Garabandal, Spain, which occurred between 1961 and 1965, conveyed several key messages.

  • A warning was given for people to convert or repent.
  • A worldwide event will experience an illumination of conscience, revealing the state of their soul before God.
  • There will be a miracle within a year of the warning, an event will occur in Garabandal, visible to all and resulting in healing and grace.
  • There would be a permanent Sign, a supernatural sign that will be left at the locations of the apparitions of our lady as a testament.
  • There will be severe consequences, if humanity does not turn away from sin and love and trust in God.

These messages are still under investigation by the church and have neither been approved or condemned.


Four Children

Gar_Mountain_15la Calleja

Conchita Gonzales, age 12
Mari Loli Mazon, age 12
Jacinta Gonzalez, age 12
Mari Cruz Gonzalez, age 11

No matter what location or year it is, children do mischievous things. On this day of June 18, 1961, an ordinary day, the children decided they would take apples from a neighbor's tree to eat. After retrieving the apples, they went to a rock filled lane known as la Calleja to sit and eat their apples. When suddenly a loud thunderous bang came from the sky, that cause Conchita's head to be thrown back with hands clenched to her chest in ecstasy. The other three children started screaming and wanted to run to tell their mothers when suddenly they too experienced the same as Conchita. They all saw the same vision of an angel that did not respond and then disappeared.

July 1, 1961 the angel spoke the first time saying, "Do you know why I have come? It is to announce to you that tomorrow the Blessed Virgin will appear to you as Our Lady of Mount Carmel."

July 2, 1961, feast of the Visitation. Again, the girls fall to their knees with eyes fixed above.

I'm going let you read more about this extraordinary story in this booklet. 
To be found at this website: Garabandal

The first message October 18, 1961
"We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us."

Garabandal 110 Pines

The “Pines” in Garabandal are a group of nine pine trees located on a hill overlooking the village. These trees hold significant spiritual and historical importance due to their connection with the reported Marian apparitions.

The Pines are where many of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, known as “Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal.” The visionaries often reported seeing the Virgin Mary at this site, and it became a central location for the messages and prophecies they received.

I climbed the hill twice to be in this beautiful peaceful holy location. I had to do some grounding work on this mountain filled with so much energy and light.

Garabandal Pines Me

The Eye of God


The children described an eye looking at them, and they felt that God was watching them through this eye. While I was sitting in the church, I noticed this eye above the alter and I felt I was being watched. 

A few things really hit home during the presentation discussion in the pilgrim center. 

The Blessed Virgin said to Conchita, "you should visit my Son in the tabernacle more often. Why do you let yourself be carried away by slothfulness so as not to visit Him? He waits for you day and night."

The Virgin also said: "Remember what I told you on your saint's day: when presenting yourself before God, your hands must be filled with good deeds done for your brothers and for His glory. At the present time, your hands are empty."



Gar_relic_138Saint Theresa of Calcutta
Gar_relic_139Saint Padre Pio