Blue Army Shrine
Stations of the Cross

As you start this path take devote your time with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Click the First Station and then from there you may go on to each station.

First Station
Jesus is Condemned to Death

Second Station
Jesus Carries His Cross

Third Station
Our Lord Falls
the First Time

Fourth Station
Jesus Meets His Mother

Fifth Station
Simon, the Cyrenean,
Helps Jesus Carry
His Cross

Sixth Station
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Seventh Station
The Second Fall of Jesus

Eighth Station
Jesus Consoles the
Women of Jerusalem

Ninth Station
Third Fall of Jesus

Tenth Station
Jesus is Stripped
of His Garments

Eleventh Station
Jesus is Nailed to
The Cross

Twelfth Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross

Thirteenth Station
Jesus is Taken Down
from the Cross

Fourteenth Station
Jesus is Laid in the Sepulcher