Blue Army Third Station

The Blue Army Third Station Jesus fall for the first time. Us as the bystanders in the crowds what do we think about when we see Jesus falling? Are with filled with sorrow and compassion?

Do we want to rush forward to help, or do we turn away in discuss because of his weakness? For me this is a turning point in my life, that it's not about me.

Jesus teaches us in every act possible to be able to navigate this world. What does this fall signify to you? 

Jesus Falls the First Time

RC Blue Army Station 03b

Blue Army Third Station

V. We adore Thee, O Christ,
and we praise Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross,
thou hast redeemed the world.

The crowd is still jeering, mocking Him and shouting insults.
He is exhausted with agony. His heart is full, but his limbs are weak and fail Him,
He falls. He gets up and continues on. Mark this fall in your memory as a moment
in time as you fail to fall into sin again and again.

RC Blue Army Station 03a


My beloved Jesus, it was not the cross, but my sins which have made Thee suffer so much.
By the merits of this first fall, save me from the great misfortune of ever falling into mortal sin.
The Way of the Cross of Saint Alphonsus Liquori
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

v. Have Mercy upon us O Lord.
r. Have Mercy on us.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Mary, the mother of Jesus slowly keeping up with guards as they continued to whip Him to keep moving. The anguish on her face and the deep sorrow she must feel as she sees her son suffering.

John, the beloved disciple in disbelief and sorrow of his teacher. As John is witnessing this moment in time, he realizes he is helpless. He sees the sorrow on Mary face and realizes that he can be a support system for her. Does Mary's strength help John's understanding?

The Bystanders their reactions varying widely, from disbelief to hatred sneers and some recognizing the injustice of this innocent man.

Ponder as Mary Pondered

RC Mary e

Here I am again after repenting this week, this month, this year for my sins, and I go on for a little while before I fail again. And there I remember my Lord, reminding me that I will fail if I take my eyes off of Him. Jesus, give me the strength to not forget, to always everyday remember to look for you. 

Significance of 3, 7, 9

Blue Army Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

As Jesus carried His cross the weight becomes overwhelming, and He stumbles and fall for the first time. This fall represents the burden of our sins and the physical and emotional strain. Despite the pain and humiliation, He rises, showing His determination to fulfill His mission of salvation. This moment reminds me of my own struggles and the importance of getting back up when I fall.

  • When I was young and learning to Ice or Roller Skate I fell, but determination of learning I got up
  • I fell off my bike one day and really hurt myself with a cracked skull, but asked for a bigger bike
  • We can even go back earlier in life when learning to walk, how many times did we fall

7th Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time

The journey to Calvary is long and arduous, and Jesus falls a second time. This fall signifies the increasing weight of the cross and the growing exhaustion Jesus feels. It also reflects the times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed by repeating failures or challenges. Jesus' perseverance in rising again encourages us to keep moving forward, even when the path is difficult, and we feel like giving up.

  • Maybe this time you tried to start a business and failed
  • Has someone bullied you or called names not in kindness
  • We have all kinds of discouragements in life but keep pushing forward
  • Constantly feeling defeated

9th Station: Jesus Fall the Third Time

Nearing the end of his journey, Jesus falls a third time. This final fall is the most painful and difficult, symbolizing the ultimate test of His strength and resolve. It represents the moments in our lives when we are at our lowest, feeling utterly defeated. Yet, Jesus is determined to rise once more teaches us about the power of faith and the importance of never losing hope, even in our darkest times.

  • The loss of someone we loved that maybe was the bread winner
  • The loss of our job and what will we do next
  • Ask God for the fortitude to keep going

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