Blue Army Fourth Station

Here at Blue Army Fourth Station, we see Jesus meets his mother. What a powerful moment in time for us to see. As I am standing here and contemplating and praying this station, I can't help but feel the presence of my own mother who is no longer here on earth. 

This moment is so emotional and full of affection between mother and son. Mary's heart is filled with sorrow as she witnesses her son's suffering. I had taken this trip with my sister, and she had just told me how in a dream my mother was so pleased to see us going together on this trip.

Jesus had just fallen for first time and in spite of His own pain he shows so much compassion to His mother. Jesus, I love you and am so sorry for all my sins that have caused these scars.

Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother

RC Blue Army Station 04b

Blue Army Fourth Station

V. We adore you, O Christ,
and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy Cross,
you have redeemed the world.

Jesus meets his mother on this journey to Golgotha.
She as any mother wants to take away his pain and let it befall on her. 

RC Blue Army Station 04a


My most loving Jesus, by the sorrow of this meeting, grant me a devoted love for Thy most holy Mother. And thou, my queen, obtain for me a tender remembrance of the Passion of thy Son.
 The Way of the Cross of Saint Alphonsus Liquori

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

v. Have Mercy upon us O Lord.
r. Have Mercy on us.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

My Personal Prayer
Blessed Mother just as you have prayed for help for your son, I ask you to pray also for me in my weaknesses. Give me the strength or the help of others in my time of need to carry on. Also give me the courage and the strength to help others in their time of need or struggles. Amen

Points of Significance

  1. The Human Connection
  2. The Mother's Sorrow - Her grief is a universal emotion that resonates with many people of all ages and backgrounds
  3. Jesus' Compassion
  4. The Prophetic Fulfillment

This moment is very intense because both are experiencing a deep suffering. The meeting could have been a source of strength shared between to two. How many times when we are struggling do, we want the comfort of our mother or father maybe a friend to share the pain with. 

Also, Mary seeing that there were others there that loved her son and was showing compassion gave her solace.

By reflecting on Blue Army Fourth Station, we can learn valuable lessons about love, compassion and the power of human connection.

Ponder As Mary Pondered

RC Mary d

I have been in many situations of my life where I need my mother. There is nothing like a loving mother's voice and comfort in our time of need when we are suffering from a sickness or even struggling with a decision. My mother I know prayed for me many times, especially when I left the house to live on my own. Even today all grown up, I hear myself wishing for mom to be with me.

Questions for Reflection

  • How does the meeting between Jesus and Mary affect you personally?
  • What emotions do you feel when you contemplate this scene?
  • How can the love and compassion shown by Jesus and Mary inspire you in your own life?
  • How can you show compassion and kindness to others in your daily life?
  • What can you learn from the example of Jesus and Mary about the importance of family and human connection?

Possible Thoughts of the Witnesses

Some of the bystanders might have felt sympathy for Jesus' mother, because of what she was enduring. Others may have not felt anything because of their anger and just wanted to see this to the end no matter what cost. 

Some may have felt a sense of grief and loss of the gentle kind loving Jesus that they knew. Maybe a feeling of where we go from here. John has been following along with Mary supporting her the best he could. He too was suffering with his own thoughts of the one he loved so much.

Others may have been awestruck by the love and compassion that existed between Jesus and Mary. And yet the jeers and sneers were still coming from the crowd. How can there be so much hatred amongst so much love?

And even others may have been confused by the whole event taking place. The witnesses could have been struggling to understand the meaning of what they were witnessing.

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