Blue Army First Station

Blue Army First Station of the cross is a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus. His fate is sealed, and the path that will lead him to the cross is set. The condemnation of Jesus is a reminder of the human cost of sin and the suffering that Jesus endured for our salvation.

It is also a call to justice and compassion, as we are challenged to stand up for the innocent and to speak out against injustice.

Jesus is Condemned to Death

RC Blue Army Station 01a

Blue Army First Station

V. We adore you, O Christ,
and we bless you.

R. Because by your holy Cross,
you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is dragged before Pilot and Herod.
Beaten, mocked, spit upon and bloody scourges across his back.
The crown of thorns piercing his head.
Judged by unjust creatures to be put to death.

Pilate is Torn between the Crowd and his Consciousness

Pilate finds himself in a difficult situation. First, he is a Roman official that must keep peace and order and uphold the law. He also is a man surprisingly with a conscious and senses Jesus is innocent. But he has the pressure of the crowds that he wants to please also.

He tries to question the Jewish leaders about their charges against Jesus, but they refuse to provide any evidence that would stand. Pilate takes it upon himself because of the pressure he is feeling to question Jesus himself. But Jesus does not provide any clear answers leaving Pilate to decide for himself.

Fearing the riots he tries to release Jesus but the Jewish leader refuse to accept his decision. As the story goes Pilate succumbs to the pressure of the Crowd. He orders Jesus to be scourged, and the sentence is carried out.

Blue Army First Station is a hard pill to swallow as I stand here shaking my head with disgust at a kangaroo court.

In business today it's hard to stand up against authority to stand for morals. We worry about losing our job, not getting that raise but is it the right thing to do? Today pressure and money seem to be the driving factors when it comes to our Christian choices.

Who do we crucify today? Is it still our Lord? Is it ourselves? Who?

RC Blue Army Station 01b


My adorable Jesus, it was not Pilate, it was my sins that condemned Thee to die. I beseech Thee by the merits of this sorrowful journey to assist my soul in its journey towards eternity.
The Way of the Cross of Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

v. Have Mercy upon us O Lord.
r. Have Mercy on us.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Accusations against Jesus

Charges of sedition and blasphemy. The Jewish leaders have been plotting against Jesus to accuse him of claiming to be the Son of God and inciting rebellion against the Roman Empire. 

To help us understand better, in Roman law blasphemy was considered a crime against the emperor, while sedition was a crime again the state. Both result in death.
They were watching Jesus and were concerned about His teachings and how it was a threat to their authority. What better thing to do when your losing control conspire against him to have him arrested and put to death.

Because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, do you think the accusations from the Jewish leaders was just a mere misunderstanding of His teachings?

  • Fear of Loss of Power
  • Popularity
  • Threatened authority and position
  • Religious Politics

What would we do today?  I believe todays day and age still shows the good and evil we have. Watch out if you stand out and you threaten some level of authority they can make your life hell. But where do you stand? How far will you go to do the Christian thing? 

Ponder as Mary Pondered

The Blue Army first station reveals the judges gavel slamming down with a conviction. A sentence has been decided, guilty. Guilty of what? Healing, kindness, compassion, teaching or maybe the TRUTH? How many times have you been judged unjustly? It doesn't have to be in a courtroom, it could be a friend, family member, co-workers, piers. Everyday somebody is judge and jury of another one's life. Why does it have to be this way? Aren't you tired; I know I am.

As I watch from across the square, my heart has dropped, it is heavy with my own guilt. Jesus healed me or maybe someone I knew, a neighbor. And now I see him beaten, bloody his skin torn from the ropes that hit him.  I want to fall to my knees and cry and tell him how sorry I am. I had part in this decision, I sinned and fell away, I cried out, "Crucify Him". It is my sins that He will save me from.  What am I doing now to stop this?

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