Wondering why Praise
The Rosary

Select what path you will take to start your journey from above.

I'm glad you found your way here. The Rosary Seeds is about nothing I can offer you.
It's about something you have to find on your own.
It's about allowing the Holy Spirit to direct and guide you on your journey. Of course, each journey is an individual one, unique for you and me.

I am building this site to inspire and rediscover Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation and all the information and tools we have in our Catholic Faith. Many sites offer the how to of the Rosary and all the prayers that are necessary to growing in your faith. I hope to offer you another direction to build and discover a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Come discover your journey as I walk along and share mine.
Just ABOVE are four paths to choose from to start your journey.
Rediscover the four mysteries in a different way.
Select one of the paths to start your journey.

One more thing you should know, I don't profess to be a professional or perfect in my journey. I am still learning and growing as I walk this path of spiritual creativity. As my father told me once, 'I am just a simple man doing the best I can'.  

With The Rosary We Are Empowered!

Unaware of the power of the Rosary

In the beginning of my spiritual journey without the rosary I was a wonderer. Searching to make a life, searching for God in all the wrong places. God allowed me to see my mother actions by praying the rosaries, but nothing further than that. For me it had to be a divine intervention much later in life. Someone gifted me a Blessed Rosary.

Child Imagination

The first picture of the church is my childhood imagination or so it seemed. The rules of the Catholic Religion back then were a little stricter than today. As a child I did as I was told, I obeyed my parents and trusted them in their decisions. Today if you are following Jesus or imitating him that would be obedience. The virtue obedience is not so easy learned, because that means obeying people you may not like or care for.

Adult Understanding

This is where my journey began and ended. There are many years between these two pictures. But somewhere as you investigate this website the paths, I chose is not so unusual.

The Rosary Journey Begins at a Street Fair

The nice lady behind the table was twirling and twisting string around her finger making these fancy knots.

She asked, 'are you interested in the Rosary'?

She handed me a piece of string about twelve inches long and said, 'this is the most important part'. As she performed the procedure on her own string, I followed along.

Wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, feed the string through and then start to roll the knot with your left hand, while pulling the string with your right.

Sounds easy, NOT or should I say KNOT!

She smiled at me and said, practice, practice. Here is a telephone number to call for supplies when you're ready. 

Starting a new MISSION

On the piece of paper, was a number to a connection of an underground circle of women that was twisting string to make knots and adding beads.

I met the lady at her home to prove that I could make knots and get my supplies.

This was serious business. I was handed a bag of colorful mission rosary beads with white centerpieces and crucifixes. This was the first step to purchasing and making many rosaries for the missions over the year.

Some nights with the help of a friend stringing the beads and my job was knotting, it reminded me of the 'multiplying loaves of bread and fish'.

Together we produced many rosaries and I did not realize this was yet another seed that was being planted in me. Our Lady had another idea in store for me.

Mission Rosaries - Ask yourself why do we need to make Rosaries?